Saturday, May 31, 2014

Finally, the jelly works!

The Warbler only stuck around long enough to get the strength to fly the next leg of its journey, but the Baltimore Oriole at last learned what the jelly was for. And maybe he discovered that Chokecherry tasted better than grape.
Problem is, he started to get a bit possessive, just as if he knew about all those online sites that tell me to put out jelly for the Orioles.  If the Grey Catbird is enjoying some when the Oriole is hungry, it is good-bye, Catbird.
Not permanently, of course, but the Catbird seems to know who's boss.  However, it hangs around far more than the Oriole, so its turn comes again.
We have at least one pair of Baltimore Orioles nesting here most years, but I seldom see the female. Maybe because our Orioles are not overly fussy about oranges and this is the first year I've put out jelly. However, now that I've found the secret to the Oriole heart, the female Baltimore dropped by for her own lunch.
If I'm really lucky, maybe there'll be young ones on my patio later this summer.

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