Monday, May 21, 2012

A couple of surprises

Lark Buntings!  I only remember seeing one before on two different occasions. Today Ray and I saw 6, 5 males and 1 female which I never would have identified if it hadn't been with 4 of the males.


After driving out to the field partly to deliver chemical and partly to see the Lark Buntings I returned home to move the garden hose and snap shots of the Cedar Waxwings which have returned just in time to eat the apple blossoms.

And that's when I looked into a birch tree and saw a Common Nighthawk. Just relaxing and waiting for evening to go bug hunting.

Pretty good for a seeding day when I didn't have time to go birding.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a super day. I just love when the birds just keep showing up; no effort of my part....just look out the window (from the house or the truck).