Thursday, May 10, 2012

Along the road

Seeding has begun. Though I don't operate any machinery, I am required to drive everyone anywhere they need to go. Today I was following a slow moving truck, so stopped every now and then and pointed my camera at a slough.
  Above, a Canvasback Duck with its bright white back, and below, an American Avocet. 

These two Long-billed Curlews were in a field where my daughter was seeding canola.

The Ring-billed Gull and the Marbled Godwit below it were both right beside the road. Unlike the ducks with them, these two did not fly away when I backed up. 

This Western Meadowlark was singing his spring song a lot higher in the air than I usually see them. No fence posts for this bird.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good stuff, Adele. I'm terribly envious of the Long-billed Curlews. We don't seem to get them over this way anymore.