Monday, August 6, 2012

July Birds

July was not a good birding month for me. Too much else happening, I guess.  And when I went looking for my best July birds, my favourite photo was the Vesper Sparrow I already posted at the beginning of the month. However, This Cedar Waxwing came in second so here it is.
This Purple Finch didn't make a great photo, but is notable for being slightly more unusual than the Goldfinches, Robins and Catbirds that I generally see around the yard in July.
 And speaking of not-great photos. I snapped this Lark Bunting through the blur of the windshield, but I chose it as a reminder of the summer I saw more Lark Buntings than in all the rest of my life combined. Actually I managed that with the first 5 or 6 I saw in May. This one was in a gathering of half a dozen males three or four miles north of our farm shortly before sunset on July 2.
 Clay-coloured Sparrows are a bird I normally ID by ear. It was kind of funny the first time I realized that the small brown sparrow I was stalking was the same bird that had long been appearing on our bird lists.
This Purple Martin is here just because we don`t have them at home and anything we don`t have seems exotic when I see them.  I assume this is a young bird, but as I`m not very familiar with them, it might be a female.


Mrs. Pauls said...

You are really getting good at taking bird photos. These are so good. Love the cedar wax-wing. I wonder if we could get purple martins here. I know they were in La Riviere.

Adele said...

Thanks Jeanette. If you build a house for the Purple Martins, there is a good chance they'll come. It just has to be very high and have clear flight paths. The internet would be happy to tell you everything you need to know.

Linda Aksomitis said...

Wow, Adele, gorgeous photos! You're a real pro birdwatcher.

Adele said...

Thanks, Linda. I'm glad you like the photos. I like taking them, and I am always learning new things about birds, but the more I listen to other birders, the more I realize how little I know!