Saturday, July 21, 2012

Brown Thrasher

This is one of the first birds I was able to ID from a glimpse. Bright copper colour and a flash of long tail and even at 100 kmh I know it is a Brown Thrasher. When I took these photos, the Thrasher was in a tree on our farm.

It took me quite a bit longer to recognize its call. I posted its song last year here


Dianne said...

A Brown Thrasher was the first bird I photographed when I decided to join the birder world. Not a great picture, but one of my favourites as it reminds me of my beginning at this great hobby.

Adele said...

That is so neat, that you actually remember your first bird (so to speak). I hope you are getting lots more this summer.

Unknown said...

Hi Adele. Nice Photos! Brown Thrashers are such interesting birds. We don't seem to have very many down here around Estevan this year....well, maybe I'm just not visiting the right places either! That said, I did find one today.

sb said...

Brown Thrashers are notoriously skitzy around the papparazzi but we have them in the river vslley in Lethbridge. I keep trying for a good phots. They are like catbirds in having different songs, but no meowing.