Friday, May 13, 2011

Who's Visiting Our Feeders This Week?

An American Goldfinch, looking a little faded in spite of the earliness of the year. We've had 3 males around this week, no females. This fellow is definitely the least brilliantly coloured.

A Brown Thrasher. They often like to root around under the bushes in my yard. Actually seeing one at the feeder is less usual. Mind you, he wasn't eating there, just looking around.

One of many White Throated Sparrows that have been eating the seeds thrown out of the feeder by the messy little House Sparrows. Their whistle is one of my favourite spring songs, partly because it is so beautiful, but also because they are here such a short time before they leave for somewhere more northern.

A Harris's Sparrow. There have been two males here this week. I don't recall ever seeing them in our yard before, so this is very special. I understand they have a pleasant whistling song as well. Maybe I've heard it and didn't realize it. They aren't singing when they hop around on the patio.

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