Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Swamp Sparrow

Outside my office window, along with half a dozen White-throated Sparrows, there is a new bird.  New to me anyway.  First glance, it looked like a Chipping.  Dark line through the eye, rufous cap...but then I noticed the faint streaks on its breast, the grey collar, the black and rufous back.  Chipping crossed with Lincoln's.  The internet was no help.  Obviously I was putting the wrong words in the search bar.  Sibleys, however, came through.

Unless someone tells me differently, this is a Swamp Sparrow.  Nice to get a lifer.  Especially right outside my window.  Best part, it's been here over an hour so Ray and I have both seen it.  Cute bird.

1 comment:

Nick S said...

Congrats on your lifer. This is indeed a Swamp Sparrow.