Friday, January 25, 2019

Northwest Ecuador, Day 1, December 1, 2018

Our days of lazing around came to an end.  Our first day found us on the road by 6:30 a.m. heading for the Yanacocha Reserve. We spent time on trails and at feeders, but we definitely saw more birds at the feeders.  Who said there is no free lunch?

Lots of opportunities for the birds that come in my favourite colour, yellow.
These are Yellow-breasted Brushfinches.
The Black-chested Mountain-Tanager has a good combination of colours too, with yellow putting on a good show.
I don't know if I could ever make a favourite bird list, but if I did, the Spectacled Redstart would have to be close to the top.  In the top 50 anyway!  So cute!
The Superciliaried Hemispingus is not only yellow but should get a prize for one of the most tongue-twisting names. I understand that the first part of its name refers to its eyebrows.
Naturally not all the great birds are yellow.  Red is a good colour, too, as in this Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager.
And then there are the hummingbirds.  I haven't yet seen one with yellow, but the Shining Sunbeam should be with a name like that.
The Great Sapphirewing is as great as its name suggests.
I love this Buff-winged Starfrontlet. Seems to be having a bad day.
 We can see the purple throat on the male below.  The buff coloured rectangles are lost in the blur of the wings.
No, these weren't all the birds from December 1.  The group's official count was 54 birds of which 30 were lifers for us. 

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