We took an hour and a half to drive across the dyke on Sunday, May 16. There was the usual assortment of ducks that refused to stay to be observed, along with a lot of small sandpipers. Ray decided they were white-rumped, and he may be right. I'm not sure I have ever successfully identified a small sandpiper. There are too many choices and the differences seem so subtle. I had no trouble identifying these little guys, however. One of my favourite spring migration birds, a dozen or so American Golden Plovers were hugging the shoreline, almost out of sight below the dyke. Ray took this photo because he was sitting on the right side of the car. Other birds on the lake included a lot of avocets and marbled godwits, plus some gulls, Wilson's Phalaropes, coots, and Eared Grebes. There was a pair of Horned Grebes on the slough at the south end.