Saturday, May 31, 2014

Finally, the jelly works!

The Warbler only stuck around long enough to get the strength to fly the next leg of its journey, but the Baltimore Oriole at last learned what the jelly was for. And maybe he discovered that Chokecherry tasted better than grape.
Problem is, he started to get a bit possessive, just as if he knew about all those online sites that tell me to put out jelly for the Orioles.  If the Grey Catbird is enjoying some when the Oriole is hungry, it is good-bye, Catbird.
Not permanently, of course, but the Catbird seems to know who's boss.  However, it hangs around far more than the Oriole, so its turn comes again.
We have at least one pair of Baltimore Orioles nesting here most years, but I seldom see the female. Maybe because our Orioles are not overly fussy about oranges and this is the first year I've put out jelly. However, now that I've found the secret to the Oriole heart, the female Baltimore dropped by for her own lunch.
If I'm really lucky, maybe there'll be young ones on my patio later this summer.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Chokecherry Jelly

The Baltimore Oriole
visited the oak tree but ignored 
both the orange and the jelly.

The warbler, a Tennessee perhaps?
was more willing to accept my hospitality.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Unusual Goldfinch

I'm pretty sure I had a post a couple of years ago with the same name.  That goldfinch was darker than normal.  This one is paler.
Just in case you think it's the rain, or the window, or the poor lighting, or my camera or any of a hundred other reasons why it looks so pale, here are photos of two American Goldfinches eating from the same feeder.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


It rained enough to make the ground wet, the seeders stop, and the birds drop by. First of Year: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
There were also two females. Though we've had visits from Rose-breasted Grosbeaks before, I don't recall ever seen the females so this was exciting. 
Two American Goldfinches dropped by the 15th. Right in the middle of the usual times. (In the last 6 years they've come between the 9th and 20th, while 3 times it was the 14th or 15th. Usually we get more at once as well as Pine Siskins who generally come at the same time or a day or two earlier.

As I weeded among my perennial beds several thrushes investigated the possibilities in the mulch in the garden, though they dart around so fast I got lots of photos of the mulch but the only clear thrush was this Swainson's sitting on a rail.
Other visitors yesterday included a Lincoln's Sparrow among the thrushes 
 and this Harris's Sparrow on the patio.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Seen in our yard

American Robin

Monday, May 12, 2014

Finally some Shorebirds!

Farming and birding occasionally go together, like on a Sunday when we have to drive to Regina to get parts that aren't available anywhere closer.

We took the long, long way home and drive down backroads we'd never seen before, and most of which ended in dead ends and involved backtracking. However it seemed that every time we backtracked we were able to see either different birds, or a better look at a previous bird. Considering the mobility of birds, I don't usually mind retracing my steps at any time.
A Solitary Sandpiper. A lifer, but one we almost certainly have seen before, just didn't recognize.  I am hoping now that I have become acquainted with his spots, we will recognize him immediately the next time we meet.

The bird below is probably a Lesser Yellowlegs. His legs are not visible here, but his top parts match the other photos I have of Lesser Yellowlegs.
We saw a lot of Red-winged Blackbirds, but just a few Yellow-headed, including this female.
She was walking along this slough edge, intently checking out the straw. Not sure if she was looking for the perfect nesting spot, or just looking for lunch.

Our other lifer for the day was the Palm Warbler. We saw 2 or 3 of these. Through the binoculars they were truly beautiful.  Considering how many warblers migrate through Southern Saskatchewan, I am always disappointed in how few I see so this was another memorable moment for me.  The best of the day, I can say, although I admit this was not my best photo of the day.