While thinking about our proposed trip south in December, I spent some time looking over the photos I took in Mazatlan in March.
I came across this shorebird. I think it is a Short-billed Dowitcher, though must confess that shorebirds are not my specialty so I may be wrong. He/she could easily have been in Saskatchewan, aside from the nonbreeding colouring, of course. We are really fortunate that we see most birds at their colourful best. At least in the spring. We won't talk about the fall migration.

This little yellow bird looks a lot like the female Yellow Warblers we see all summer, though it may be a first winter male.

I had no idea Black-necked Stilts were so cute till I looked at these photos. Sometimes I'm so busy snapping the camera that I don't take time to look with my binoculars. I've never had the good fortune to see a Black-necked Stilt in Saskatchewan but we've seen a few in Mexico. This guy has such a fuzzy look to him that I feel sure he/she was in his first winter.

Okay, I'm not likely to ever see this Yellow-crowned Night-Heron in Saskatchewan, but he posed so beautifully that I decided to include this photo in my almost Saskatchewan retrospective. I have yet to see any yellow on this guy's head, but I expect there is a dot there somewhere.

And here's another one that just isn't going to show up around the farm. A female Streak-backed Oriole. One of my favourite photos ever, one of the websites I looked at described her as drab, but I just can't agree.

I'm looking forward to seeing more Canadian birds on winter holiday, along with a few tropical specialties that never venture this far north.
Birding is a lot of fun when we have two weeks and no work to take up our time.