We haven't done much birding in weeks, so today we took advantage of a free day, mostly sunny skies, and moderate temperatures to check out a few local bird sites.

This juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron led us down the trail across the Luck Lake dyke. Other birds there included a lot of generic ducks that didn't stand around long enough to be IDed and some shorebirds in their nonbreeding plumage, notably American Avocets and some Phalaropes, just not absolutely certain which Phalarope. I don't recall seeing these little guys in their nonbreeding plumage before, and was amazed at how grey they look!

The pavilion at the dam was temporary home to a swarm of Yellow Rumped Warblers. I got several photos, many showing their yellow rump, but this one was my favourite.

This slightly faded male Mountain Bluebird greeted us as we parked at Coldwell Park. Other notable birds there were several Northern Flickers, a few late staying American Robins, a couple of Grey Catbirds, and our first Spotted Towhees of the year.